IAU Symposium 398:
Compact Objects and Binaries in Dense Stellar Systems

June 16-20, 2025

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

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Cluster dynamics and the evolution of single and binary stars are closely intertwined, leading to different scenarios than those in the galactic field. Star clusters serve as dynamic factories for all these intriguing objects, and these topics are inherently interconnected. This symposium is intended to discuss the astrophysical origin of gravitational waves and to establish connections between theoretical and observational data concerning dynamics, populations, binaries, multiples, and compact objects (including binaries containing them) in dense star clusters. 2025 will be an excellent time to delve into the topic of star clusters and the roles of compact objects as it aligns with the release of significant results from the fourth observing run of LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA, which should provide crucial new constraints on the formation of gravitational wave sources. Additionally, numerous new discoveries of globular cluster pulsars are expected from large radio facilities such as MeerKAT, ASKAP, FAST, and others. New computer codes for dynamical simulations of dense star clusters are also emerging, and this symposium offers an excellent opportunity to discuss the latest results based on these codes.




  • Hyung Mok Lee (Seoul National University) Chair
  • Rainer Spurzem (NAOC, Beijing;  Heidelberg Univrsity) Co-Chair
  • Sourav Chatterjee (TIFR, Mumbai)
  • Michiko Fujii (University of Tokyo)
  • Di Li (Tsinghua University)
  • Antonino Milone (Padova University)
  • Fred Rasio (Northwestern University)
  • Anna Lisa Varri (Edinburgh University)
  • Chunglee Kim (Ewha Womans Univ.) Chair
  • Jongsuk Hong (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
  • Elahe Khalouei (Seoul National University)
  • Sungsoo S. Kim (Kyunghee University)
  • Joohee Lee (Seoul National University) Secretary


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